Monthly Archives: December 2011

Thoracic Spine Mobility

The thoracic spine is the nexus of a lot of postural problems these days. Whether it’s too much time in front of the computer, long bike rides or just laziness, bad posture takes its toll on the health of your spine and limits your performance. Bad posture sets the body up for compensatory actions that can lead to pain and injury in other parts of the body. This little sequence is something I have been doing to help improve my posture and my shoulder. Doing this for about 10 minutes a day has helped reduce my chronic pain and helped improve my performance.


This speech just fires me up.

Butt Blaster

You need to squat. There’s no way around it. This is a quick little Yoga Tune Up Therapy Ball sequence to help unglue your tight glutes and piriformis to help you squat better.

Video Analysis

I love carrying my phone around and taking videos of people exercising so I can show them stuff their doing and help them correct it faster. It’s an extremely valuable coaching tool that I cannot emphasize enough. Now there is a way to make it even better. The Coach’s Eye iphone app allows me to add little lines and circles and freeze frame video to emphasize and illuminate points of performance. Apparently I can talk over the videos too and add commentary. I am really excited to play with this and use it to improve my coaching and my athletes.