Day 1 of the Stretch Fucking Harder Challenge.

It’s April 1st, but don’t be a fool! You need to stretch.  Take the challenge with me and do a little stretching every day.

Here is all you have to do to take the 30-Day Stretch Fucking Harder Challenge.  Each day do the deep stretch, post it on Instagram and tag some friends to do it with you. Post your stretch with the tags: #stretchfuckingharder #supplepandas #30daypandachallenge  Tag me @coachpanda.  Come back here to my website or vimeo channel to see more details on each stretch and modifications and scaling options.   Try to stay in each stretch for at least 2 minutes per stretch per side. Remember to breathe slowly and deeply and start gradually and move deeper over time.  Back off if it hurts.

The first stretch is an easy one and you will be glad you did it. If you have been lifting weight it is going to take its toll on your spine. Decompress your spine and give your hamstrings a gentle stretch with this weighted GHD hang. You will feel like a new man.

Weighted GHD Hang. Day 1 of 30 from Force Distance Time on Vimeo.

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