Tag Archives: flexibility

Day 5 – The Oompa Loompa

I don’t know anybody that doesn’t carry tension in their upper back and traps. This rolling technique is just the ticket to loosen up that tension you’ve been carrying around all day. I suggest using a Yoga Tune Up® Alpha ball for this. Start with your back against a wall and squat down a little. Place the Alpha ball behind your back to the right or left of your spine up between the shoulder blades. Bridge your hips away from the wall so you can press your weight into the ball. Now start to bob up and down like an oompa loompa as you push with your legs. The real money maker is rolling the ball up onto your shoulder like a parrot. In order to do this you have to turn slowly as you lower into your squat. The ball will cross the muscle fibers of the levator scapula as well as the upper trapezius. It’s very intense. Move slowly and deeply and with purpose. Breathe deeply.

Check in and Check out with either your overhead position or simply look at your posture in the mirror between sides. I often see a visible difference in the height of my shoulders after doing this for just a few minutes. The side you just rolled will often be lower than the unrolled side.

The rules for the Ball Fucking Harder Challenge are easy. First, I recommend getting some Yoga Tune Up® balls to roll on. All you have to do is post a pic or video of yourself doing the technique and tag me (@coachpanda). Use the hashtags #ballfuckingharder #30daypandachallenge #supplepandas #pandiculation. The challenge is even better when you share it with friends so tag your friends to play along.

Day 5 of 30. The Oompa Loompa from Force Distance Time on Vimeo.

Day 4 – The Tiny Conductor

I don’t know why my forearms are always sore, but I think it has something to do with barbells, pull-up bars, rings, ropes, kettlebells, dumbbells and jiu-jitsu…basically everything I do. So this is my first move when I roll out my forearms. It’s easy. You take a Yoga Tune Up® therapy ball and place it on your forearm and lean against a wall. I move around until I find a gnarly knot and then I put my weight into it because I want to Ball Fucking Harder. Breathe deeply and apply pressure. Then to really take things to the next level, I move my wrist like a tiny conductor. This pin and stretch technique is totally legit. You will love it.

Check in and check out with either the front rack or the overhead position. This technique will feed slack into your shoulders and wrists and will help alleviate some elbow and wrist pain. Roll for at least two minutes on each side.

The rules for the Ball Fucking Harder Challenge are easy. First, I recommend getting some Yoga Tune Up® balls to roll on. All you have to do is post a pic or video of yourself doing the technique and tag me (@coachpanda). Use the hashtags #ballfuckingharder #30daypandachallenge #supplepandas #pandiculation. The challenge is even better when you share it with friends so tag your friends to play along.

The Tiny Conductor from Force Distance Time on Vimeo.

Day 3 – The Childproof Lid

If you do CrossFit, then your hands are going to get quite a workout. We use our grip constantly, but how often do we take care of our hands? Most people just wait until their hands rip and then put some lotion on them. That’s not enough. The fascia in your hands is beat up. You need to resuscitate your hands with this awesome technique.

Use a small Yoga Tune Up® classic ball and place it on the floor. Kneel down and interlace one hand over the other like you’re about to give chest compressions in CPR class. With straight elbows, lean your weight straight down on the ball and then twist your hand back and forth like you’re trying to open a childproof lid on a prescription bottle. This move creates a lot of sheer force on the fascia and brings a ton of blood flow to the hands. It will release all the tension you have stored up in your hands and feed slack all the way up to your shoulders. Get the entire surface of each palm and spend at least 2 minutes per hand.

Check in and check out with either your front rack or your overhead position. You should notice a dramatic improvement. In fact, check out the difference after only rolling one hand and you should see a visible improvement compared to the unrolled side.

The rules for the Ball Fucking Harder Challenge are easy. First, I recommend getting some Yoga Tune Up® balls to roll on. All you have to do is post a pic or video of yourself doing the technique and tag me (@coachpanda). Use the hashtags #ballfuckingharder #30daypandachallenge #supplepandas #pandiculation. The challenge is even better when you share it with friends so tag your friends to play along.

The Childproof Lid from Force Distance Time on Vimeo.

Day 2 – Orbiting The Moon

Face it! You sit on your butt way too much. All that sitting makes your glutes useless. You need to wake them up and get the blood flowing down there. This is a simple technique I call “Orbiting The Moon.” I am using a Yoga Tune Up® Alpha Ball for this one, but you can use any ball you have lying around. The Alpha is the best one for the job though. Just like yesterday, check in/check out with a standing forward bend. Notice how close you are to touching your toes and notice how restricted you are in the glutes and hamstrings. Pay close attention to how much more range you have and how much better it feels when you’re done.

The technique is simple. Sit on your Alpha ball and slowly orbit the entire moon. I like to move out in concentric circles starting at my ischial tuberosity (a/k/a my sit bone). I move in a clockwise orbit for about a minute and then switch to a counter-clockwise orbit for the next minute. After about 2 minutes, switch to the other cheek. Breathe deeply and slowly. If it is too intense, you can do this standing and leaning against a wall.

The rules for the Ball Fucking Harder Challenge are easy. First, I recommend getting some Yoga Tune Up® balls to roll on.  All you have to do is post a pic or video of yourself doing the technique and tag me (@coachpanda).  Use the hashtags #ballfuckingharder #30daypandachallenge #supplepandas #pandiculation.  The challenge is even better when you share it with friends so tag your friends to play along.

The Ball Fucking Harder Challenge

I am really excited by how the #stretchfuckingharder challenge went last month.  So many people played along and posted pictures.  Even more people told me that they loved the stretches and did them and had their friends and clients doing them too.  Before I lose momentum, I am issuing another challenge: The #ballfuckingharder challenge. For the next 30 days I will be posting a new myofascial release/ball rolling technique each day.

If you want to play along I recommend getting some Yoga Tune Up® balls to roll on.  The large majority of the techniques I’m going to show will utilize the Classic, Alpha and Coregeous ytuballs but I will also show some techniques using other props as well.  The Yoga Tune Up® balls are soft, grippy, pliable and affordable.  Unlike lacrosse and tennis balls, ytuballs are designed for self massage and will greatly increase the effectiveness of the techniques.

The rules for the Ball Fucking Harder Challenge are easy.  All you have to do is post a pic or video of yourself doing the technique and tag me (@coachpanda).  Use the hashtags #ballfuckingharder #30daypandachallenge #supplepandas #pandiculation.  The challenge is even better when you share it with friends so tag your friends to play along.

Day 1 of 30.  The Foot Schmear.  We are on our feet constantly and, if you are an athlete, you are running, jumping, kicking, squatting and generally applying high amounts of force through your feet.  Additionally, wearing shoes all days pretty much laminates your soft tissues into a tight mess.  The Foot Schmear will unglue your feet and make you feel refreshed and relaxed like a good foot massage.  As a bonus it will also improve your flexibility.

Check in/Check out: Bend down and try to touch your toes with straight legs.  Notice how far you get and notice how tight your hamstrings feel.  You should feel looser in your hamstrings and be able to stretch farther after rolling your feet.

The technique:  Place a Classic Yoga Tune Up® ball under the sole of your foot.  Step on it like you want to flatten it and then drag your foot slowly from side to side.  You want to imagine you are schmearing cold cream cheese on a bagel with your foot.  A new ytuball will be a little stiff, but after doing this technique a few times, you will break-in your balls and they will get nice and soft.  Inhale as you press down on the ball and schmear as you exhale.  You want to do this for 2 minutes on each foot and try to get every inch of the sole of your foot.

Day 1 of 30. The Foot Schmear from Force Distance Time on Vimeo.

Day 29 – Suspended Cobra

I love back bends but they are very difficult for me. I find it very challenging to stay in them for a long time. Because I am very tight it takes a lot of effort to hold myself in some of these shapes. Cobra pose or Bhujangasana or the seal stretch is a classic yoga pose that stretches the hip flexors and abdominals and feels pretty amazing. Unfortunately, in order for me to get a good stretch, I need some assistance. The medicine ball under my stomach helps prop me into position so I don’t have to push so hard with my arms. Also the band overhead allows me to get pulled up and does a two-for-one on my shoulder and helps improve my overhead position. Externally rotate your shoulders, breathe deep and keep your legs as straight as you can. Enjoy!

Day 29 of 30. Suspended Cobra from Force Distance Time on Vimeo.

Here are the rules for the 30-Day Stretch Fucking Harder Challenge. Each day do the deep stretch, post it on Instagram and tag some friends to do it with you. Post your stretch with the tags: #stretchfuckingharder #supplepandas #30daypandachallenge Tag me @coachpanda. Come back here to my website or vimeo channel to see more details on each stretch and modifications and scaling options. Try to stay in each stretch for at least 2 minutes per stretch per side. Remember to breathe slowly and deeply and start gradually and move deeper over time. Back off if it hurts.

Day 8 – KB Armbar Stretch

The Kettlebell Armbar Stretch is a unique move. It doesn’t feel like a stretch; it’s awkward; but it leaves your shoulders feeling great. What it does is set your arm deeper in the shoulder socket essentially putting the golf ball on the tee (the humerus on the glenoid fossa). You are doing an isometric hold of the scapula in retraction and depression and letting gravity set your shoulder. Trust me, it’s worth the price of admission. You can do this with a kettlebell, dumbbell or even a band but you’re going to need some resistance to make it work. Start light until you feel comfortable and secure holding the weight, then load it up.

Use two hands to pick up the kettlebell while laying on your back. Press it up over your shoulder. Keep your core tight as you roll over onto your side. Turn your hips over and point them toward the floor. Rest your head on your arm and keep your eye on the bell. Press your shoelaces into the floor, squeeze your butt and retract and depress your scapula. Stay there for up to two minutes. Initially, you may not be able to hold the weight for that long. That’s okay. Perform the armbar stretch two or three times on each arm for as long as you feel safe holding the weight. Use both hands to lower the weight slowly and place it on the ground.

Kettlebell Armbar Stretch from Force Distance Time on Vimeo.

Here are the rules for the 30-Day Stretch Fucking Harder Challenge. Each day do the deep stretch, post it on Instagram and tag some friends to do it with you. Post your stretch with the tags: #stretchfuckingharder #supplepandas #30daypandachallenge Tag me @coachpanda. Come back here to my website or vimeo channel to see more details on each stretch and modifications and scaling options. Try to stay in each stretch for at least 2 minutes per stretch per side. Remember to breathe slowly and deeply and start gradually and move deeper over time. Back off if it hurts.