Tag Archives: obsession



noun. 1) the domination of one’s thoughts or feelings by a persistent idea, image, desire, etc. 2) a state in which someone thinks about someone or something constantly or frequently especially in a way that is not normal.

The second definition makes obsession sound pejorative: “not normal”.  Sure obsession can be bad, but there are some that would call obsession “commitment” or “focus” which are great qualities.

My obsession recently has been with counting macros.  I’ve done the Zone diet on and off for many years, so I am familiar with many of the concepts in “Flexible Dieting” or “Counting Macros”.  However, finding a new prescription and using an app on my phone to track everything and preparing the night before has brought a new level of obsession to my food game.  Is a normal? Probably not.  Is it an eating disorder?  No.  It’s just a quest for a deeper level of understanding.

Any quest for deeper knowledge will take on a form of obsession as the student thinks constantly about the topic.  New levels of understanding and knowledge can only be achieved through obsession.  Anybody that is an expert at something at some point was obsessed with that something.  My goal to understand my diet inside and out and to use nutrition to fuel my life and my performance is currently in that process of obsession.  After a month of this I hope to be far more knowledgable and intelligent with regards to my nutrition.  I don’t know that the obsession will last but the knowledge, once acquired, will be with me forever.

What’s your obsession?