Tag Archives: YTU

Treat While You Train DVD Set Review

“Treat While You Train” DVD Set Review
Starring: Jill Miller and Kelly Starrett

If you ask Jill Miller and Kelly Starrett they will tell you that every person should be able to perform basic maintenance on themselves. Just like you brush and floss your teeth everyday to take care of your oral hygiene, you should roll, floss, stretch, mobilize and stabilize your muscles, joints and soft tissues to optimize your physical health and performance.


If you have not visited Jill Miller’s Yoga Tune Up® website or Kelly Starrett’s mobilitywod® website, then you are behind the times. You absolutely must go and immerse yourself in this world because there is so much vital information there to help you with not only your aches and pains, but your performance and posture as well.

However, the downside to websites and youtube videos is that they are relatively short and cursory in their details. That is why someone that wants to go in depth and learn more has to buy books or DVDs to get more information and knowledge.

Enter the “Treat While You Train” self-care DVD. This 2-DVD set is a must have in your reference library. Jill and Kelly go step-by-step through the body and show you powerful and effective ball rolling techniques to address the 3 Ps: eradicate Pain, improve Posture and enhance Performance. Along the journey they drop a lot of knowledge on you about how the body functions and how to live, breathe and move optimally. You can purchase the full “Treat While You Train Self-Care Kit” where you get the DVDs and 6 Yoga Tune Up balls of varying sizes ($79.95) so that you can do all the exercises on the video. You can also just purchase the DVDs separately ($34.95) if you already have the Yoga Tune Up balls.

TWYT-Full-Kit-CompositionAs someone that already watches a lot of these videos and teaches these techniques, this DVD set is a valuable reference source for me. If I am asked about how to treat a certain area or I am looking for ideas for my next class, I can quickly pop in the DVD and watch a section to get some ideas. For the general practitioner, the DVD is well-organized and thorough and extremely easy to follow. The DVD is visually stunning and the quality of the recording is great. The best part is that they utilized a clear glass wall and table for the demonstrators to demonstrate on to be able to show the viewer exactly where the balls go. This increases the likelihood of doing the techniques properly and getting the best results. Another wonderful thing about this DVD is that they work from broad to specific and show you basic self-massage techniques that you can use anywhere and then apply the techniques to specific areas of the body. So if you are like me and think in big pictures, having some basic guidelines for you to improvise with will serve you well. If you are the more recipe-oriented type, then you can learn each technique on each body part. Either way it is a win!

The best part of this DVD is that you can do it at home at your own pace. I know in the class and workshop environment where I often teach, it is difficult to allow people enough time to fully explore all these techniques to optimal effect. With this DVD set you can bring the high quality instruction home with you and take your time exploring these techniques at your leisure. The goal is to educate and empower you, the end user, to treat yourself. The only way to do that is if you take the time to explore and learn your own body. Practicing along with these DVDs will allow you to find your own body blind spots and map the areas of your body that need attention. You don’t have to be perfect, but you have to practice. Get the Treat While You Train DVDs and let the treatment be a treat for your whole body.

Forearm Blast: Part 4

Grip strength is important to health and fitness and if the tissues in your forearms are knotted up, then it will impact the ability of those muscles to fire properly. I have been doing Ido Portal’s 7 Minute Hang Challenge and it’s been kicking my butt. Without these Yoga Tune Up® therapy ball exercises, I would not be able to function.

See also:
Forearm Blast
Forearm Blast: Part 2
Forearm Blast: Part 3

Forearm Blast: Part 4 from Force Distance Time on Vimeo.

Forearm Blast: Part 3

The small joints of the body can take some of the most abuse in our training. If you are spending time lifting overhead or walking on your hands, then your wrists and forearms can get overused and abused. Make sure you do some of these simple strengthening exercises for your wrists to keep them strong.

Go to Forearm Blast: Part 2 for some good warmup stretches for the wrists. Then check out Forearm Blast for some more great wrist exercises.

Forearm Blast: Part 3 from Force Distance Time on Vimeo.

Lower Back Attack

I spent the morning at Brick New York coaching and working out and found a few minutes to record a couple of videos.

Most people I meet want to know how to bring relief to their lower backs. The lower back can be the nexus for a lot of pain and tension due to myriad reasons: poor mechanics, over use, under use, fatigue, poor proprioception, as well tissue dysfunction. Going after the Quadratus Lumborum with a Yoga Tune Up® Alpha ball is a great place to start. This is one of those areas that can be quite tender so if the pressure is too much try to do this standing at the wall with the Alpha ball. Test and retest your forward bend before and after to see if you have increased range of motion.

Lower Back Attack from Force Distance Time on Vimeo.