Tag Archives: Hips

Day 30 – Happy Baby

Congratulations! You made it to the end of the #30daypandachallenge. I knew you could do it. Your reward is a sweet happy baby pose. Lie down on your back and grab your feet and pull the tops of your thighs to the floor on either side of your rib cage. Your knees should be up by your armpits and your arms should be reaching up between your legs. Breathe deeply and try to flatten your back along the floor. Your inner thighs and hamstrings should get a nice stretch as you try to keep your shins vertical and your knees out.

Day 30 of 30. Happy Baby from Force Distance Time on Vimeo.

Here are the rules for the 30-Day Stretch Fucking Harder Challenge. Each day do the deep stretch, post it on Instagram and tag some friends to do it with you. Post your stretch with the tags: #stretchfuckingharder #supplepandas #30daypandachallenge Tag me @coachpanda. Come back here to my website or vimeo channel to see more details on each stretch and modifications and scaling options. Try to stay in each stretch for at least 2 minutes per stretch per side. Remember to breathe slowly and deeply and start gradually and move deeper over time. Back off if it hurts.

Day 26 – Twisted Firelogs

Sometimes referred to as “Double Pigeon” this stretch gets into some great places in your hips. I call it “firelogs” because the shins should be stacked in front of you like couple of fire logs. The ankle should rest on the knee and the shins should remain parallel. If you cannot get your legs in this position, you should probably attempt the version at the end of the video. In this video I demonstrate a deep twist, but you can simply just stack your legs and fold forward and try to bring your head to the floor. So good. I hope this becomes one of you favorites.

Day 26 of 30. Twisted Firelogs from Force Distance Time on Vimeo.

Here are the rules for the 30-Day Stretch Fucking Harder Challenge. Each day do the deep stretch, post it on Instagram and tag some friends to do it with you. Post your stretch with the tags: #stretchfuckingharder #supplepandas #30daypandachallenge Tag me @coachpanda. Come back here to my website or vimeo channel to see more details on each stretch and modifications and scaling options. Try to stay in each stretch for at least 2 minutes per stretch per side. Remember to breathe slowly and deeply and start gradually and move deeper over time. Back off if it hurts.

Day 19 – Internal Rotation Hip Stretch

We spend a lot of time and effort working on external rotation of the hip. It’s important to balance ourselves with some internal rotation. This is a good way to stretch the external rotators and your hip flexors. If you are really tight, you’ll have a hard time getting that knee to the ground. That’s okay. Do NOT force it. Your knee is in a vulnerable position so don’t push it to the ground. Just let the weight of your top leg gently pull the knee down. If you’re really flexible, you might not feel much from this stretch. That’s okay too. You are still balancing your hips even if you don’t feel an intense stretch. If you feel pain in your knee back off. Arms go overhead and reach up it will increase the stretch in the hip flexors. Squeeze your butt while doing this and breathe deeply into your abdominals.

Internal Rotation Hip Stretch from Force Distance Time on Vimeo.

Here are the rules for the 30-Day Stretch Fucking Harder Challenge. Each day do the deep stretch, post it on Instagram and tag some friends to do it with you. Post your stretch with the tags: #stretchfuckingharder #supplepandas #30daypandachallenge Tag me @coachpanda. Come back here to my website or vimeo channel to see more details on each stretch and modifications and scaling options. Try to stay in each stretch for at least 2 minutes per stretch per side. Remember to breathe slowly and deeply and start gradually and move deeper over time. Back off if it hurts.

Day 18 – Half Frog

This is a tough stretch. Take your time with it. It will be worth it. Our adductors/groin muscles get super tight from sitting all day and this is a great way to loosen them up. It will help the bottom of your squat especially if you have a hard time getting your knees out. Get yourself a towel or abmat for under your knee. Notice the position of my feet. I have one foot turned out and the other foot is pointed straight ahead with the sole down. This works the supination of the ankle. Once you are set up try to push your hips back and simultaneously try to give your pelvis some anterior tilt. You’ll feel this all through your inner thighs. It’s very intense. Keep breathing and try to stay relaxed. If you cannot get your elbows to the floor like I have mine, then get something to prop your elbows on like some yoga blocks.

Half Frog Pose from Force Distance Time on Vimeo.

Here are the rules for the 30-Day Stretch Fucking Harder Challenge. Each day do the deep stretch, post it on Instagram and tag some friends to do it with you. Post your stretch with the tags: #stretchfuckingharder #supplepandas #30daypandachallenge Tag me @coachpanda. Come back here to my website or vimeo channel to see more details on each stretch and modifications and scaling options. Try to stay in each stretch for at least 2 minutes per stretch per side. Remember to breathe slowly and deeply and start gradually and move deeper over time. Back off if it hurts.

Hip Helpers

I got a request from a friend in Canada that has some hip mobility issues. She is missing some range in abduction and external rotation. My first thought is to address the soft tissues and see if we can make some change in her range of motion that way. This video addresses the muscles of the glutes and external rotators. I am using a Yoga Tune UpĀ® Alpha Ball.

Basic Butt Roll from Force Distance Time on Vimeo.